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CALL (702) 788-6927 Schedule Your Pool or Spa Cleaning Today.
Looking for Pool or Hot Tub repairs, installation, or maintenance service in or around Las Vegas, NV CALL for free estimate
Weekly Pool/Spa Maintenance
Filter Cleans
The filter is the heart of your pool equipment. A clean filter allows for crystal clean water. During a filter clean we teardown the entire filter, take out each grid individually, inspect the grids for rips or tears, clean the grids, re-assemble the grids inside the filter and add diatomaceous earth to coat the grids in order to protect the longevity of the filter.
Pool Electrical Repair
If, your pool light goes out we will be able to replace the fixture, light and cord going back to the electrical box. The ensures a brand new tightly seal assembly to not allow any water to get in and compromise the light. Wiring new installation or repairs call Marcel owner and master electrician.
Equipment Repair
Three Generations Pool/Spa specializes in all types of repair work. Equipment repair includes: pumps, motors, filters and heaters. Also, handle upgrades of equipment such as: smart phone capability, salt water conversions, automation system conversion and LED light display.
Salt System Conversions
Tired of always smelling like chlorine when use your pool/spa? Chlorine water can easily be converted to a salt water pool with the installation of a salt water control board and salt cell.
Equipment Upgrades
If you equipment is old or you are looking for new equipment that is energy efficient then an upgrade might be in order. Common upgrades include: smart phone capability which allows you to control your pool/spa from anywhere through your phone, variable speed pump installation for an energy efficient pump to save on your monthly bill, automatic actuators that allow your pool/spa to turn valves with a simple press of a button and conversion from incandescent to LED light display for a more vivid and cost effective lighting.
Acid Washes/Chlorine Wash