Acid Wash in Las Vegas Nevada
CPR Complete Pool Repair of Las Vegas, NV. many of our customers have issues with staining at the bottom of their pool or have pools that have become taken over by algae due to poor winterizing, stagnant water or lack of pool care. A service that is especially helpful in these instances is acid washing your pool, often referred to as “drain & clean”.
Acid washing removes a thin layer of your plaster, gunite or Pebble-Tec to reveal a fresh surface. This removes algae, mineral, chlorine and even dirt stains from the bottom and sides of your pool. If your pool was poorly maintained in the past or has had stagnant water which turned into an algae bloom, algae and phosphates can become embedded in your pool’s finish, making it nearly impossible to get rid of. Acid washing your pool removes any algae or phosphates that are not otherwise removed with chemicals. When finished, the acid washing process gives your pool a clean, fresh new finish and clear, sparkling water.